Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Recession?

Over the past few months I have been reading about the recession. The recession has been in the headlines and causing concern among business' and talked about among teachers. But we need to realize that "not everyone was hit by the recession!" There were and are people making money during and after the recession. If you are experiencing recession woes among potential and future clients, (complaining about your prices, etc) it means you need to find people who were NOT hit by the recession." I have spoken about this before in previous newsletters and I encourage you to once again to not to undersell yourself.

"No one forces us to change our price to fit the market," Colleen Francis stated in her MYC webnair a few weeks ago. She also stated that we "Don't have to take the mindset of lower price to get students!" Why recruit people with no money? It might sound a little harsh but there is some truth to her statements. Search out new markets. Find out from your returning parents which communities (sports, church, etc) they are involved in and find out how you can get involved with them or get your flyer into that community. It takes a bit of work but it will pay off in September.

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