Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Polygamy hurts the innocent.

Polygamy not only needs to be abolished and criminalized but spousal and child support for all the innocent victims of this life style should be mandatory.

How is it possible that a polygamist's can claim God gives them the right to have as many wives as they wish but not offer support when they divorce them? The current law also discriminates against these women as they are not considered true wives in the eyes of the law.

Also, the men in this choice of belief system should not be able to get away claiming all their wives are single mothers so they can get welfare from the government. I thought they were the wives? So how is it that they can break the law and claim they are single mothers with children? Doesn't their belief tell them they need to uphold the law of the land? No, only when it benefits them.

Nor should the leaders in this life style be allowed to excommunicate young boys and girls when they become problems (young men needing a wife) or desire their own life partners (young women desiring a young husband.)

The law should be changed so it favors these innocent children, not discriminate against them for having the unfortunate demise of being born into this selfish lifestyle based on a sexual predators needs and greed.

These men will never change their belief system as it brings them much power over those with no voice or education. Change the law so it protects the innocent one's Charter of Rights not men whose hearts will never change under the guise of religion.

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