I do wish you all the best in all your musical and personal endeavors in the coming year of 2013. Some of you raise families and teach and some go to school, raise a family and teach, or some of you work and teach. But whatever you do in your lives and busy schedules, I wish you all the best in what ever your pursuit may be.
Thanks to those who write and tell me how much they enjoy the newsletter and ideas. I really enjoy sharing my little bit of knowledge with you and if what I share can help you out in any way, I am glad for that.
Once again all the best in the coming year 2013!
Have fun composing this season!
Composing Spinner
I created a " Composing Spinner" for my students to use this year as I thought they might be a little tired of the "Composing Snowman" which they have done for the last couple of years.
The "Composing Spinner" follows the same principles and steps as the Composing Snowman. Students rotate the spinner around so they can follow the composition guidelines to help them complete their composition. Students receive a sticker on each number of the spinner (there are 10) when each step is completed.

A few teachers have shared with me that they use
"Monster Patterns" to help their students compose and
also the rhythm cards from "Rhythm Sports" has been used to help students determine rhythms for their piece.
Also still available are the "Composer Tricks." I have used these for years to help students understand the tricks composers use to create their composition and best of all its FREE!
To Market To Market
"Ourbis" is a FREE online advertising website.Their slogan is "Find it all Nearby!"Just type in your postal code and it takes you to the business' in your area.I was pleased to see a few teachers from acrossCanada were already on "Ourbis" when I typed in "music." This is another great way to list your business and be present in your community. Check out my listing!
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