Friday, January 7, 2011

My Mother and Facebook

A Twitter posting today from Chris Brogan said to blog about your mother on Facebook. Really?
Oh okay.   My mother is Estella, her name means "star" and I've always loved her name.
She named me, Lois which means "battle maiden" and I've always hated her for it.
But that's a blog for another day.
My mother, well, she has Alzheimer's. I'm still grateful that she still knows me when I visit
and knows my voice when I phone her. She's weak, opinionated, fragile, falls and won't use a walker.
We should have suspected she had Alzheimer's a lot sooner when the mice invaded her condo
and no one else had mice. She had been buying food and forgetting she
had bought it and then the mice just made themselves at home with the hefty stash
in the cupboards and pantry.
I just thought she was getting old, we all get old you know.
Also when someone gets old, they don't want to clean any more, I don't want to clean any more!
So I thought the condition of her apartment was just that, getting old.
But when family isn't around a loved one for extended periods of time you
just don't see or recognize the gradual decline into the dungeons of senility.
Finally, my sister Laura, who is my mother's caregiver had her diagnosed and we
moved her into a series of homes for the elderly as she declined and was unable to
care for herself.
But my mother is on Facebook. She doesn't write on it or post anything funny.
Laura, created a Facebook page for her, so we her children, can know how she is doing.
                                                     So I guess this blog is about my sister, Laura,
who diligently and faithfully cares for my mother so that the rest of us don't have to worry about her.
Thanks Laura.


mrs. lois said...

My friend Jacquie Bye posted this on facebook.
I enjoyed reading about your Mother on FB Lois. It's funny that this is posted today as my own Mother passed away yesterday afternoon and now my family are all finding that the love we have for each other is very real and profound. I have bee...n estranged from my mother for about 7 years. She didn't want to have a relationship with me because 'it's too painful' she said. I realized later that she meant to her not because of me. She could never forgive herself for our upbringing and so she missed out on oh! so many wonderful things during the 7 years we didn't talk. She didn't have Alzheimer's but something worse ... guilt. I tried for years to help her let go ...but she hung on tight right to the end. Now she is in peace ... ♥See More

mrs. lois said...

Donna Davis wrote...Enjoyed your blog very much. I will be soon reading two books written by a man (with his families help) about his own journey with this disease. It jumps back and forth between what he is experiencing and factual research. Called "Losing My Mind" and the sequel "When It Gets Dark". We all need a better understanding on this topic.

mrs. lois said...

Ronda Eyben Payne added on facebook Great post Lois - thank you! My grandparents and my uncle (all on my dad's side) have had alzheimers and it's a hard road for sure. Thank you for sharing!

mrs. lois said...

Laura Orvis Galbraith wrote
Wow Lois, Thanks....and you're welcome. Now I have to go fix my mascara.