Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fermata- Hold that Note!

The other day I taught the "fermata" sign. I decided that I would review the concept with my other classes but it seemed no one could remember what it was and only a few remember what it did. So what to do?

I explained (again) that the "fermata" is sometimes called the "conductors eye" and that it meant that you couldn't move on to the next note, until the conductor gave you permission to do so.

I, then, drew a huge eye, using the "fermata" and for three weeks in a row, we sang the closing song, with the "fermata". At various parts in the song, I lifted the "fermata" sign up and the children had to hold the note until I put the sign down. Sometimes, I held the "fermata" up for a long time and sometimes just a short time. The children loved it! The "fermata" put the fun in music class and the concept was finally understood (I hope).

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