Saturday, February 26, 2011


Relationships, Chocolate and SEM!

February can be a month of dark and dreary skies but it doesn't mean classes have to be. If you haven't already, download and use the Valentine Resource to play with your students. Use valentine treats as game pieces for fun!

February is also about relationships, not only with your loved ones but with your student's families and contacts, business or casual, outside of music. Trust is paramount! I recently had an agreement with a business contact who didn't tell me about the hidden cost of a product. An assumption was made that I would want it and was promised a phone call and I never heard from the person. Lack of integrity and not fulfilling a promise lost this business associate income and a long term customer. Follow through and honouring your word, go a long ways in the success of your business.

Do you ever wonder when you are going to find the time to do all you need to do for your website? Read about a company called Odesk that can help you find more time for the things you love to do and take on those projects you are just having trouble getting around too.

Have a Happy February! Enjoy chocolate (it makes you smarter),nurture relationships, build trust and keep in touch with those in your life and community. They will remember you because you have touched their lives.

John, Lois and Jakob

Mrs. Lois
MYC Certified Teacher
Solo Time Music Games

Teaching Tip - Oh Boy!

Have you ever used the "Easy!" button from Staples in your classes?

I've used mine with great success.

Students get to press the "Easy" button when:

They can write their rhythm story without any help from me (or their parent)

or they need encouragment to get books put away

and up to the piano a little quicker.

It's a great incentive!

Oh Boy! Button

Recently a family went to Disneyland and brought back an

"Oh, Boy!" button for me to use.

Now Mickey is putting the fun in class.

Game of the Month

Three's a Triad

Three's a Triad has many cards with several different levels. All cards help young musicians determine the notes of a triad in root position.

Three's a Triad

Bonus this game comes with cards cut for you!

To Market To Market - Odesk

Do you have a hard time trying to get everything done on your new website?

Are you stuck on what Google analytic's just might have to offer you?

What about posting links to get your web site to appear first in your community?

Or getting SEO and SEM done and what in the world does that all mean?

Odesk is a site where you can hire someone who can help your accomplish your web marketing for you and do it for a reasonable price.

It is a unique way to hire someone and know that you are getting value for your money and you actually know how long they have worked on your site.

Check out Odesk to hire someone to do all the

above for a price most music teachers can afford.

February is a sweet month!

Post a picture of your students playing any

Solo Time Music Game on Facebook

and I will send you a FREE Articulation resource

to play with your students.

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