Monday, September 24, 2012

September 2012 - Major Minor Houses

Good Morning,
Back into the swing of teaching and I realized just how much I love teaching both Music for Young Children and private lessons.   It's such a rewarding experience and the young students who were so wiggly and busy last year have grown up a little over the summer and are more attentive and were so excited to be back at music and learning that it just made me so excited to be back myself. Preparing lessons might be a lot of work but also so very rewarding. I trust you are also enjoying being back in routine and enjoying your teaching year.

Canadian Thanksgiving is quickly approaching! Early it seems this year, October 8th and once again I have posted Turkey Term Feathers to print up and use as a term review.  Feathers are free but haven't yet come up printable game board. Soon, I hope!  Here's an example of mine.
Turkey Terms

I'm also excited to announce my newest teaching aid and printable  "Three Steps Down - Major and Minor Houses."  It's all about Key Signatures and how they are related, read about it below.

Take care and have a very rewarding musical year of teaching.

Lois Dicknoether
Solo Time Music Games 

Solo Time Music Games
are designed to instill a life long passion 
and understanding of music and its concepts 
through a fun hands on experience.

 Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterFind us on Google+View our videos on YouTubeFind us on Pinterest    (repin any Solo Time Games post on pinterest to receive a FREE printable) 
Dollar Store Find
Found these cute wooden sticks at the dollar store. I plan on using them when we talk about the one, four and five chords this season in class.
One, four and five sticks.  
Do you have a great dollar store find?
 Send it to me so I can share it with others.
Teachers Notebook
Brand new this month
A new visual teaching aid that is geared for all levels of teaching.
Two houses - one major and one minor
with interchangeable key signatures in the roof tops to
show how they are similar and how they are different.
My students loved this teaching aid and were able to understand the major and minor concepts more clearly with the rooftop key signatures.Major Minor Key Signatures
You can order this digitally  from
the Teachers Notebook Store for 1.99 or have it printed up and sent when you when ordered directly from me for $5.99 (includes postage).
To Market To Market
Marketing is all about putting yourself out there,
being a bit vulnerable and letting people see who you are.  

Do you often get notes from parents and students
telling you how wonderful you are and
 how grateful they are to be part of your music studio?

An idea from Emma Skeete, a wonderful teacher from the east coast of Canada, was to post one of the letters she received from a parent on her website.  The letter say's it all!   The handwritten letter from a parent is the best form of testimony and Emma doesn't need to say anything else. 
The letter says it all.

Not only is it a great testimony but its an affordable marketing tool.