Wednesday, June 27, 2012

An Unexpected Visit

Good Morning,
Last week I had an unexpected stop over in Calgary, Alberta.  Traveling home to Abbotsford, after visiting Jakob (the most adorable grandson I know) spring thunder storms shut down the Calgary airport for several hours stranding 70,000 people. 

With the "Global World Oil" Conference happening, there were no hotel rooms for airlines to put up passengers and rental cars were quickly snapped up. I was one of the few who was able to make arrangements for a place to stay overnight but I still needed a ride to the airport in the morning.

I commented on the craziness of the airport on Facebook and Beth Nicholson, an  MYC teacher in Calgary read it and graciously offered a ride to the airport the next day.   In the morning we met for coffee, chatted music, teaching, children and students.  It was such a blessing, not only for the ride but for the opportunity to to glean from her, her talents,  ideas and tips.  Then we then dug out our iPads and shared our favorite apps! Beth's two favorites were Piano Notes (staff and key identification) and Right Note (Ear Training).

I once lived in a community where I was the only teacher and I realize how valuable my colleagues are because they help me become a better teacher when they share their knowledge along with my passion for bringing music into the lives of children.  It's so important to stay connected and  unexpected encounters are a bonus.  Thanks Beth.

Lately, I've been asked what games are there available for certain levels with in the Music for Young Children program.  This month I've listed the games and aids for the Moonbeam 3 level and students preparing for the Advanced Rudiments exam.  Over the summer, I will list what's available for all the other levels within the MYC program.

Cheers and sunny summer days to you all!


Lois Dicknoether
 MYC Certified Teacher
 Solo Time Music Games 

Solo Time Music Games
are designed to instill a life long passion 
and understanding of music and its concepts 
through a fun hands on experience.

 Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterFind us on Google+View our videos on YouTubeFind us on Pinterest
To Market To Market
As teachers we often struggle with charging enough for our expertise, our time and our talent.  Here is an article from Wendy at "Compose Create," where she puts it in black and white how
 and why we need to charge what we do.

I couldn't write a better article on how to set up your fee structure
 for your studio and the reasons behind it than her recent blog post on
Moonbeam 3 Games, Printables and Teaching Aids
Music For Young Children - Moonbeam 3
Flashcard Games
Don't Put your Apples - Introduction to Enharmonic Notes
Out of Space and Lines : Introduction to Intervals
Burger Intervals - Which burgers are major, minor and perfect
Shoot Out -Hockey theme - Whole tones/steps and Semi- tones/steps
Shoot for the Stars - Chromatic, Diatonic, and Enharmonic
Pyramid Triads- Root, First and Second inversion triads
What's that Dot? - What is the value of the dot!
Weak and Strong Beats - Choose one rest to complete the measure- quarter, 
                           8th,  half and whole rests.
Strike Out - Choose one rest to complete the measure - adding the 16th rest
Give it a Rest! Level 1 - uses quarter, 8th, whole and half rests. 
                           Level 2  - Introduces the 16th rest
                           Level 3 - Triplets and increased difficulty
                           (over 30 measures in each package)

You Print - Printables  $2.99 or less 
Give it a Rest - Time signatures with examples of note values used in different measures. Use with Give it Rest. 
Go Ahead! Make Me! - 10 pages of printable  major, minor and perfect 
Print, Laminate and use erasable markers.
Large Circle of 5th's - Giant circle of 5th's - Use as a game and teaching aid.
Small Circle of 5th's - 
Print off individual circle of 5th's for each student.
Coming! Three Steps Down!  Major/ Minor  Key Signatures- Teaching aid


Printable and Resources

A couple of weeks ago, a colleague of mine was quite ill and unable to teach her lessons so her husband stepped into her role as teacher and taught her classes for her. I was so impressed! I asked my husband if he could ever step in for me if I needed him to. He informed that under no circumstances would there ever be any benefit to either him or the students if he were to step into my role. Whether he could cover for me in this way or not, I have to say that he has stood behind me through all my years of teaching MYC, from recitals to conversations about frustrating situations, so I guess that's good enough.

Here's wishing all a Happy Father's Day and a big thank you to all those who have supported our passions for teaching music.

I'm so glad that many of you printed the Before and After Bookmark Printable for your students. It is an honour to know that you value this teaching aid and plan on using it with your students. There are many other resources and Printables located on the website for only $1.99 or less. This  small cost goes toward hosting the website so the teaching products are readily available when you need inspiration or assistance.

Recital time is over; now registration begins. I have a week-long visit with my grandson, Jakob, coming up, plus a trip to Thailand! If any of you have been there, I would love to hear any tips or must-see sights you might recommend. Once I am home again I'm involved in some "try- it" classes, some new marketing plans to implement and then it will be fall again!

But first, let's enjoy the summer as we all know that it will end all too quickly and we'll be back into the swing of teaching before we know it.

I wish you a wonderful June with year-end recitals and parties followed by a totally relaxing summer!


Lois Dicknoether
 MYC Certified Teacher
 Solo Time Music Games 

Solo Time Music Games
are designed to instill a life long passion 
and understanding of music and its concepts 
through a fun hands on experience.

 Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterFind us on Google+View our videos on YouTubeFind us on Pinterest
To Market To Market
As we go into the season of marketing our businesses, it's important to validate our potential parents' decisions regarding their placing their children into our music programs and lessons.
They are relying on us to remind them why they are
investing in us and our studios and in their children's educations.

Reassure parents that their decision is a wise one and its value and implications are lifelong. Colleen Francis states that
"Clients who are emotionally connected to you will stay longer than those who are just satisfied." 

Pinning for Pinterest

Welcome to (almost) Summer! (not here in BC)

Are you on Pinterest yet? Pinterest is the newest form of social media but unlike the friendly chit chat of Facebook or the quick comments of Twitter or the business thoughts on LinkedIn, Pinterest is like a cork bulletin board, only online. It is for pinning (posting) or re-pinning pictures of things that you find interesting or wish you had of thought of yourself. In the same way that you would pin photos to your board on the wall, you can pin photos of your favourite things on your Pinterest pin board.

Your pin board is constructed of pictures that you find online or on your own computer and post. Or you can re-post, or "re-pin", what others have put up on their their pin boards. You can create boards with any subjects that you like.

Frankly, I love it. My favourite subject is the food category. I have gotten many ideas from other people's posts of the foods and recipes that they have made. There are ideas for the home, clothing and haircuts but, you may be asking, what has this to do with MYC and music? Read below to find out the advantages of using your Pinterest boards to tell people about you, your studio and your business.

It has been a busy season. I graduated from college (finally!) and congrats to those of you who also completed degrees or some part of your furthering your education.  It's a lot to have on your plate while still teaching. All the best in your future endeavors.

I know that you, too, are in preparation stages once again as Recital season is upon us.   Pieces are being mastered by young hands, timing, dynamics and ensembles are top of the mind. Gentle reminders to please count - out loud... We're a team, you know.   I know that some days it just seems like all our diligent instruction doesn't even get through to our students but it does. Recital time comes along and  everyone performs wonderfully, after all.  

Have a wonderful May and enjoy the blooming of all things spring!


Lois Dicknoether
 MYC Certified Teacher
 Solo Time Music Games 

Solo Time Music Games
are designed to instill a life long passion 
and understanding of music and its concepts 
through a fun hands on experience.

 Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterFind us on Google+View our videos on YouTubeFind us on Pinterest
Free this month...
Pinterest is the newest form of social media but there is a distinct difference from Facebook and Twitter that I think is very important for MYC teachers to know and take advantage of.
Many teachers (including myself) have a facebook page advertising our studios and businesses but the downfall is that it is a timeline that is always changing.  We have to constantly update it for people to notice us.

With Pinterest you are working with a static timeline, or "board". Visitors will always see what we have repinned and posted. Your board doesn't change from day to day. It can also be linked to your facebook and twitter accounts so you have double the exposure. If you have a blog, all the better.

 I haven't done it yet but one of my projects for this summer is to pin and post pictures of the studio and games. I'm really excited about another location that will expose the world to MYC and the games.

Also remember to link every picture and use hashtags. 
Pinterest asks you to request an invitation to get started
and it can sometimes take up to a week to come through.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Printables and Resources
A couple of weeks ago, a colleague of mine was quite ill and unable to teach her lessons so her husband stepped into her role as teacher and taught her classes for her. I was so impressed! I asked my husband if he could ever step in for me if I needed him to. He informed that under no circumstances would there ever be any benefit to either him or the students if he were to step into my role. Whether he could cover for me in this way or not, I have to say that he has stood behind me through all my years of teaching MYC, from recitals to conversations about frustrating situations, so I guess that's good enough.

Here's wishing all a Happy Father's Day and a big thank you to all those who have supported our passions for teaching music.

I'm so glad that many of you printed the Before and After Bookmark Printable for your students. It is an honour to know that you value this teaching aid and plan on using it with your students. There are many other resources and Printables located on the website for only $1.99 or less. This  small cost goes toward hosting the website so the teaching products are readily available when you need inspiration or assistance.

Recital time is over; now registration begins. I have a week-long visit with my grandson, Jakob, coming up, plus a trip to Thailand! If any of you have been there, I would love to hear any tips or must-see sights you might recommend. Once I am home again I'm involved in some "try- it" classes, some new marketing plans to implement and then it will be fall again!

But first, let's enjoy the summer as we all know that it will end all too quickly and we'll be back into the swing of teaching before we know it.

I wish you a wonderful June with year-end recitals and parties followed by a totally relaxing summer!


Lois Dicknoether
 MYC Certified Teacher
 Solo Time Music Games 

Solo Time Music Games
are designed to instill a life long passion
and understanding of music and its concepts
through a fun hands on experience.

To Market To Market
As we go into the season of marketing our businesses, it's important to validate our potential parents' decisions regarding their placing their children into our music programs and lessons.
They are relying on us to remind them why they are
investing in us and our studios and in their children's educations.

Reassure parents that their decision is a wise one and its value and implications are lifelong. Colleen Francis states that
"Clients who are emotionally connected to you will stay longer than those who are just satisfied." 

Music For Young Children Conference 2012

We will be at the MYC conference 2012!
Wendy Chan has graciously offered to oversee our table but we are still looking for someone help out. 
Please contact me for details if you are interested! 
(It comes with free games!)
 Wendy Chan has also created some wonderful
games and teaching aides. Check them out at

 Solo Time Music Games
Solo Time Games creates a learning environment of fun and employing these delightful teaching aids and games shows that you
care about your students' musical progress.