Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Constant Contact : Emails : Sent Email Summary

Summer Time Greetings!

I trust that you are enjoying your summer so far. A break from a busy studio is always needed. My summer has been filled with camping trips and a visit to Alberta to visit Jakob. What a joy he is to be around! Nine months old already and I love watching his personality develop. We even played out of Pattern Play books at the piano. Jakob reacted differently to different genres but the blues sections he stopped banging and listened carefully. I think he might be a future blues man. A grandma can always hope.

And speaking of Pattern Play, I'm off to Seattle to take part in a two day intensive seminar with Forrest and Akiko Kinney of the Pattern Play series. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm hoping that it will bring out my inner "improv" talent and give me more ideas and confidence to pass and develop the skills in my students. I'll blog about it next month to let you know how it went.

"Tempo and Music Term Cards" have been a huge success! These colourful cards will brighten any studio and help young musicians remember their terms. Please order them through facebook or order directly from me ( and NOT on the website. (I haven't got the postage thing figured out yet.)

Have a wonderful and rejuvenating summer with friends and family!



Mrs. Lois

MYC Certified Teacher
Solo Time Music Games

Don't forget to check out the "Resources" page at for new teaching aids.

Game of the Month

New Product!

Bright and colourful music term cards for your classroom

Only $1.25 each!

Choose from over 15 different musical terms

(size 8 1/2 by 11)

Andante, Allegro, Moderato, Presto, Adagio

Fortissimo, Pianissimo

Grazioso, Dolce, Forte, Piano, Accent

Legato, Staccato, Da Capo, Fermata

To Market To Market - Facebook Marketplace
Have you joined the Piano Teachers Federation yet?
It's a free website site where you are able to post a small biography of yourself, prices and classroom policies. Check out my site

Have you listed your business on Facebook Marketplace?
Another FREE resource to market yourself in your community.

Order 6 games and
Receive 5 FREE term posters

for your classroom!
Andante, Moderato, Allegro, Adagio, Presto
Postage FREE on orders of 6 or more games until the end of August 2011


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